Beautiful weather here in NY yesterday!! I've discovered the weatherman here is quite accurate - if he says it's going to bucket down then he is usually right. Walked over Brooklyn Bridge yesterday to Brooklyn for lunch..this is looking east & uptown.

And further along with Manhattan Bridge in the foreground..

A view of the bridge itself - a fantastic bit of engineering!

A view back over to downtown & the Financial District..

A view of the bridge from Brooklyn..

And finally to Grimaldi's, a well known pizzeria, for lunch. So well known, in fact, that the queue stretches down & around the block!!! It's not unusual to wait 45 minutes or more for a table.....

Fortunately we were near the front of the queue and the pizza's are worth waiting for..

They are huge and thanks to C's previous experience we only ordered one large pizza between us. I don't think there would have been room on the table for 2.