So many people have asked me to name the ONE place that I would recommend above all doesn't have to be the most fancy but the one that has made the most impression. I've never been able to give them a decisive answer. Now I realise why.....because I hadn't been there is GREYSTOKE MAHALE......absolutely & without a doubt the nicest place I have ever had the pleasure of staying!!
This is my 2..with a great view of the beach...the bowl of water at the entrance so you can wash the sand off your feet is a nice touch..and an incense stick & yoga mat should you wish to practise your asanas...
The bathroom complex at the rear of the banda with the dhow shower, its fluffy white towels (not terribly practical but there you go), the complimentary kikoi's for your use and the eco friendly soap, shampoo & conditioner.
After we had a shower & settled in, it is time for tea and a decision as to what to do for the rest of the afternoon....a sundowner dhow cruise is a popular choice....
When we get back I can see that my banda has already been turned down for the evening and the mosquito curtains drawn...more for privacy than to deter biting insects. There's nothing that bites tsetse, no mosquito, no sand flies so I can relax my vigilance and not go around smothered in an inch of 'No Bite' which doesn't seem to work anyway...
The whole place certainly does look wonderful. I love the photo of the terrace ramp going down to the beach.
What is it in particular that makes this place your favourite?
Posted by: Danya | 02/07/2010 at 12:22